
Environmental conservation is part of our backbone, especially marine conservation. The underwater world that has enamored us has made us realized how fragile and delicate this world is, and how in our daily lives we can either affect or protect it. With every action we take in favor of marine conservation, we try to positively influence other divers, being role models , sharing knowledge, and raising awareness.

We want to learn together with our community and contribute as individuals or as a group to protect, care for, and restore the ecosystem.
For Mantas Divers, education is fundamental. From the moment we start any of our courses, we teach with an ecological complement so that our students have a more critical understanding of how to be responsible and conscientious about the environment. We hope that they internalize these lessons and apply it in their daily life both in and out of the water.

We also offer the PADI-AWARE courses, which are designed around marine conservation. Of course, you can take some of these courses without necessarily being a diver, and thus learn more about the marine ecosystem, its delicate balance, and our impact.

AWARE courses:
Project AWARE
Shark Conservation.
Coral Reef Conservation.
Fish Identification.
Dive Against Debris.

As conscious and ecological divers, we offer tours that focus on conservation, including:
Dive site cleanups.
Lagoon cleanups.
Stingray and shark counts.
Coral restoration.
Beach cleanups.
One of the topics we address during our dives is being aware of our daily consumption choices, such as where our food comes from and the products we use.

We are open to listening to ideas, so please contact us and tell us how you would like to work together for marine conservation.

AWARE courses

Aware Coral Reef Conservation

Do you want to know more about corals and how you can take care of them?

With the coral conservation specialty, you will be able to learn a little more about corals and how you can get involved to protect and preserve them.

Read more »

All our courses have:

Safety first
Highly qualified staf
Personalized attention
Didactic material
Small groups
Unlimited question and answer sessions
Facilities suitable for learning and practice
Lots of humor
Photos and videos
Support from the Manta Divers community

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